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Monday, April 30, 2007

I wanna go to this school!

Tate and I went to an open house at The Shining Rivers Waldorf School in St. Louis. Wow! We had a great time. I had looked into Waldorf schools in the past on the internet and by asking around, and I learned that you can't form an opinion on a little info--you need to see for yourself.

It was this happy, lavendar smelling, fresh baked muffin kind of place. They have a "Morning Garden" that is part of every kid's day.... The only thing that is conflicting is that they promote NO TV!!! As you all may know, TV is my weakness. As Tate shares 50% of my genes, he too has a passion for the "magical light box". I agree with the philosophy as to why they don't want kids to watch tv, but OMG it is my vice!!!

We'll see...maybe I can wean him off it a bit, but crap, I can't even wean the kid off num-num. I try to do that first!

Mission Statement:"To provide an educational environment for the healthy development of the whole child by strengthening the child's affinity with nature, nourishing the child's sense of awe, wonder and creativity, sharing in the unfolding of each child's innate capabilities - particularly in the arts and sciences, and building a strong foundation for practical life skills."


Unknown said...

num-nums is a good place to start. I don't think they appreciate the moms coming in every couple hours to breastfeed the kids at school heheh maybe they'd let him take a thermos.

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

Hahahahahahahaha! A thermos....hahahahahahaha!

Mona said...

Maybe you can find something in between the TV ban and being a "Chin"