So I've been in MI for a little over a month and it has been BUSY! I finally got a bed today, which I plan on jumping into around 7pm after getting Tate to bed.
My days are full and we haven't been "home" hardly at all. Tate even grabs his shoes after breakfast and says "Bye, Bye?" The Chin kids (brothers and Catie) keep me hopping, which I am not complaining about. I missed them.
Last night, I finally got a babysitter and got my laundry done. Have you seen the scary people in the laundrymat at 10pm? The ones I encountered kind of gave me a Adams Family side glance, to which I responded by folding faster. Yea--a babysitter to go to the laundrymat...livin' the sweet life!
My babysitter was my brother, Mikey, who did a great job, though I was a little hesitant that if a WOW (World of Warcraft) raid was occurring, he might forget a baby was in the other room. He decided to stay after I got home, and I couldn't kick him out. I love hanging out with that kid! So he played, I turned on the tv and discovered "Real World Reunited".
I am sucker for the REAL WORLD, so I poured a glass of wine, grabbed the bread and cheese and settled in while I chilled with Mikey. OK, so I was a tad buzzed and when the Real World ended and Mikey headed out it was 11:30!
Waking up in the morning sucked.