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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Crafting at Casa de Schwartz

I had these wonderful scraps of fabric, sent to me by The Makery, so it finally time to use them.  Soleil wanted an eye mask, because she always takes Mama's.  
(I would suggest using 2 pieces of thinner elastic, instead of the one thicker one that I used.)
 And I am addicted to making zipper pouches.  They ARE great for giving small gifts, and it is reusable wrapping!

This is the AFTER photo of the craft cabinet.  The BEFORE photo is on the last post.  It wasn't pretty...
Because all of the kid craft supplies were out, it was easy to make little "invitations" for Soleil all day.  She loves them, and I do as well, as it leads to a moment to read for me:) 
 grocery bag + construction paper crayons +markers
 big buttons+pony beads+pipe cleaners on a messy table
stencils+black cardstock+white crayon

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