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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Project 3: Homemade (cute!) Pillowcase

A homemade pillow case sounds really ugly.  You something a relative gives you at the holidays that you only pull out when they come to visit.  But I found this really great tutorial on pinterest, and they used super cute fabrics, which made the pillow case ADORABLE.  Or, I am getting old.

In any case, to go with Mikey's Quilt (Project #2), I made him a matching pillowcase.  He's a 23 year old bachelor, so he'll appreciate (I hope!)  a household good that he doesn't have to buy, and can use the money on food!!

It was really easy and I was able to finish within 2 hours.  Here is the link.

I personally used the video included from Notes from the Patch blog, in addition to the written instructions.  I love the french seams as well as the finished look of the case. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Project 2 : Quilt for Mikey

Yes, yes...I realize that we are in week 3, and I haven't posted Project 2 of 52...  I swear! I was working on it the whole time!

Quilts take a really long time to make.  Thank goodness we aren't relying on my quilt making skills to keep us warm, as they did in the days of old.  We would be out of luck.  And by we, I mean my family, who all love to sleep under lots of blankets.  

This quilt is for my brother, Mikey.  I made the top over the last year, but I used the Project 52 to give me focus and actually finish it and mail it off.  (It is not yet in the box.)  The kids are breaking it in, snuggling and playing on it any chance they get.  My kids really, really love quilts.

As for Week 3's project, does decorating for Fall count as a project? Maybe?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Bits of Inspiration

We went to the MN Renaissance Festival a few weeks back, and it was way more fun than I expected.  In fact, my kids preferred this event to the State Fair, which we had been to the week before.  We went on Fairy House competition day, and here are a few of the amazing fairy houses that we saw.  Tate preferred to watch the longbow competition, until I made him walk around with me (Soleil and Paul went to get some corn) and then he was insisting that we walk around them twice. He even voted for his favorite!

Later in the week, we were looking for something to do, and I remembered a fountain pump that the previous owners of our house had left behind.  It started with "Let's see if this thing works!" and progressed to the kiddos arguing over who get to play with the new fountain.  The whole thing was created and designed by Tate.

And thank you, Pinterest and Lisa (Rogers) Meesseman, for inspiring me for today's afternoon project...
(the q-tips will be dots for the leaves on the trees.)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Project 1: Scrapbooking!

Wait.  It's Wednesday already!  I had big plans to post every Monday, but I am having a hard time getting back into the swing of things with school starting.  The first week was all about going to Target, Library, Dry Cleaner, returning purchases, errands galore.

This weekend started with a Dove Chocolate Party, which was sooo fun (kind of like Pampered Chef, but you buy from the high end division of Dove instead of pots and pans).  And then on Saturday, I threw a bunch of crafty stuff in a bag and went for a mini scrapbook retreat.  Delightful.  The best part of it all, was that I am back in crafty mode, now that I know where all my stuff is, and I can't wait to get back at it.

 So for my Project 1 of Project 52, I present SCRAPBOOKING.  :)

The beautiful studio we created in...

The wonderful cabin we slept in.  The best part was the snuggly kitty that came with the house!

Monday, September 03, 2012



I get lots of ideas.  Pinterest is a personal addiction.  But I hate when I start one idea and then jump to another. And yet, I want to do soooo much!!
For this reason, starting next week, I am starting PROJECT 52.

Each week, I will do one craft, one project, one new complicated recipe, etc.  

Join me??  I would love to see what you make, and be inspired by what you create.   

I was inspired by many, many blogs who are have done the same.  Here are a few for your inspiration pleasure:

My PROJECT 52 year begins with the beginning of the school year:)  I love that feeling of the start of school, and wanted to start something for myself at the same time.

I've made my list, and I am ready to go!!!