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Monday, March 31, 2014

Bored with the Moving Whining

So I am moving in the summer.  For those of you who have been reading, you know I move a lot.  And that I HATE it.  But this one, is the final move, finally.

It is scary, as I don't know if I will even like it, and I am choosing to settle and grow roots there.  I am moving closer to my family, but I haven't lived there in 20 years.

For this reason, I am feeling a resistance to craft, resistance to do projects, etc.  I am showing the house for the owners, so there is the mess of doing these things, but it is beyond that, and since I have moved a lot, I know what it is.  I need to nest in my nest, and I am preparing to change nests.

Do you feel like this during transition?  Any things that help you when you are in between things?  Any things that have helped you during a move?  How do you keep your crafty and creative spirit going?  I'd love to hear:)

And with that, I am going to go down and trash the dining room with this craft.

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