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Friday, August 11, 2006

Bye Bye Bert!

I am pretty excited today that I can actually change the color of my text on myspace! It's the little things in life that make it worth livin'...

So last night I found out about a study that basically said the amount of tv watched by children under 2 had a direct effect on their ability to concentrate by the time they were 7. Scary!! In another study I found online (after running to the internet upon hearing this from another dad we know), there is also an effect on their sleep. No more Sesame Street for Tater Tot!! I guess the American Pediatric Assn discourages ANY tv under the age of 2. Why had I not heard of this?? And what about Baby Einstein?? Dude--a whole new generation of ADD on the way...

I love tv. I am pretty much a bleeding heart liberal and want to find natural forms of entertainment, but I LOVE ME SOME TV. I think after 2, I will let Tate watch those fun cute shows like Sesame Street (which I love!) but to be on the safe side, no more electronic babysitter. Sure, I'll miss checking email without interruption in the morning...but it is only for a short time in my life.

What the frick do we do for that hour that previously was tv time? Today we took a bath in bathing suits and blew bubbles. It was pretty fun. I'm gonna have to research more fun activites to try and work hard on "independent play"!

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